A scrap yard with lots of cars piled up

Yes, scrapping your car is totally worth it for the cash reward alone! There are so many reasons to get rid of your car, and the money you’ll get from choosing to scrap it is a great incentive.

It’s not just the money that makes selling your car for scrap worthwhile, though – there are plenty of other benefits. If you’re unsure what to do with your old or broken car, here are 4 reasons why you should opt to scrap it.


A car with the bonnet open

Did you know we buy cars in practically any condition, including cars that don’t start and can’t be driven?

That’s right! If you’re unable to get your old car to us, you can still sell it – we’ll come to you.

Here at A&L Vehicle Recycling, we offer a FREE collection service that makes it even easier for you to dispose of your old car for cash.


Can you scrap a car that's not in your name?

In order to crack down on cars being stolen and sold for scrap, the government have introduced stricter regulations surrounding the scrap market in the last decade or so.

These days, if you want to scrap a car, you’ll have to prove that the vehicle is yours to proceed. This makes it a lot more difficult for criminals to sell stolen cars to scrap dealers.


When to scrap your car

There comes a time when even the best car reaches the end of its life, whether it‘s written off in a crash or simply growing old gracefully.
Whatever the reason, when the time comes it can be hard to know what to do with your old car.

To help you decide, here are 4 signs that it’s time to scrap it.


most scrapped car 2023

According to UK car reviewer Auto Express, the most scrapped car of 2023 was the Ford Focus.

An annual tally reported that 798,363 cars and light commercial vehicles (LCVs) were scrapped in 2023, and a whopping 42,637 of them were Ford Focus models. That’s approximately 5 per cent, or 1 out of every 20 scrap vehicles.
