Everything that we one will one day come to the end of its life, but parting with things can be difficult - especially if you're conscious of the impact you're having on the environment. When it comes to cars, there are so many things that can go wrong that can cause your car to be no longer road-worthy. When this happens, you have two options, repair the car, or send it to the scrap yard. But is scrapping your car bad for the environment?
Today we're going to look at what happens to cars that go to the scrap yard to determine whether the process is eco-friendly or not. So, if you've been thinking about scrapping your car, but want the low-down on the environmental impact, just keep reading.

You may have heard of people sneaking around in the dead of night and taking bits of people's cars, but did you know that 9 times out of 10 they're probably stealing a catalytic converter? Catalytic converters are a precious piece of kit and can fetch a hefty price when sold or scrapped, which is why criminals go to such lengths to get their hands on them.
Scrap Catalytic Converter Prices
But why do scrap yards pay so much money for catalytic converters? And will your car survive without one? If you've been asking yourself these very questions then you're in the right place. Today we're going to talk you through the purpose of a catalytic converter, why it's so valuable, and what you should do if you wake up and find out yours has gone missing! More...

As we move towards a greener, cleaner future, lots of people are deciding to scrap their old cars and upgrade to something more economical. That got us thinking - what were the most scrapped cars of 2022? Well, after a bit of research, we've pulled together a list of the most scrapped cars of 2022, so if you're curious, just keep reading! More...

Before you scrap your car it's vital that you dot the T's and cross the I's, you can't just drop your car off and be done with it! Here at A&L Car Scrap Dealers, we have years of experience in scrapping old cars, so we can talk you through exactly what you need to do before scrapping your car. So, if you've got a car that's ready to be scrapped, be sure you've completed everything on this checklist first!