cars at a scrap yard

If you've decided to scrap your car, you might be wondering whether you can drive it to the scrap yard without insurance. Most people are hesitant about insuring their vehicles if they know it only has to travel between their home and the scrap yard, but failing to insure your vehicle can lead to serious consequences. Police can check whether or not your car is insured instantly - so you need to make sure you're complying with the law at all times. Let's take a closer look at the rules around car insurance so you can make sure your car makes it from your home to the scrap yard without a hitch!


should I scrap my car? 5 signs its time to scrap your car

Scrapping a car can feel like a pretty big decision to make. Making the call that your vehicle is at the end of its lifespan and is no longer worth running is not a choice that is usually made lightly.

If you’re considering scrapping your car but are still on the fence about whether or not it’s the right action for you, we’ve put together this blog to help you make your decision.


What is the most valuable scrap metal? pile of scrap copper pipes

Short answer: copper is the most valuable scrap metal in the UK. Depending on what form you sell it in (i.e., wire, pipes, etc.) you could get up to £4,5000 per tonne.


hand holding out car keys following sale to scrap yard

If you’ve never scrapped a car before, the scrapping process might seem very mysterious. What documents do you need? Does your car need to be road worthy to be scrapped? What personal identification do to you need to provide?

If you’re wondering "Do I need a log book to scrap my car?" we can answer that question right now! But first, what exactly is a log book?


average scrap car value

In the world of scrap car dealing, 2021 came to a close with the average scrap car value at £260. In only the second quarter of 2022, the average scrap car price has already risen to near £358, and it's showing no sign of slowing any time soon!

Why Has the Average Scrap Price Increased?

Many factors can impact the value of a scrap car, such as the make, the condition of the car, the location of the sale, and the demand for the metal itself.
